Super Saturday Thursday Meeting
Prepare for crucial IRSSM document upload session
Meeting Details
Time and Link
**Thursday 5:30 PM PST**
Technical Issues
**Binder data vault issues being resolved. Test access.**
Mandatory GTIN Numbers
**All participants must have GTIN numbers assigned.**
Action Required
**Email [email protected] immediately if missing GTIN**
**Call 916-891-7552 for GTIN assignment issues**
GTIN Requirement
All participants must have GTIN numbers assigned
Action Required
Email [email protected] immediately if missing GTIN
Call 916-891-7552 for GTIN assignment issues
Required Documents
Birth Certificate
Official birth record
Right thumb print required
Blood Card
Blood type verification
File Naming Convention
Full name
Document type
Assigned number
Example Filename

Correct Format

Alternative Format
Here are some example templates:
  • title
  • webpageHero
  • paragraphs
  • bullets
  • columns
  • bigBullets
  • boxes
  • icons
  • timeline
  • arrows
  • pyramid
  • staircase
  • sideImageWithText
  • twoColImage
  • imagesWithText
  • gallery
  • table
  • numbers
  • chart
  • buttons
  • details
Upload Process
Ensure all documents are properly named and ready
Meeting Start
Join the online meeting at scheduled time
Documents will be uploaded during the meeting
Blockchain Requirements
Three Titles
Provide three descriptions for blockchain upload
Single Email
Send all three titles in one email
Proper Naming
Ensure all files are named correctly
Eternal Soverain Birth Certificate
Official Title Format
Eternal Soverain Birth Certificate – Titleholder: [Name] – GTIN: [Number]
Declaration of Authority
Permanent verification of Soverain status, protected by divine decree
Birth Certificate Core Provisions
Eternal Soverain Birth Certificate
[Full Legal Name]
[GTIN Number]
Eternal Blockchain Registry
Birth Certificate Purpose

A large title with short introductory text. Use for the title of a document, or a break to start a new section. Use a single H1 tag with the class "title", followed by optional P tags with introductory text. Keep the title itself short and put any extra content into P tags.

The first section of a webpage, with a large title, image, and call to action. Use a single H1 tag with the class "title", followed by 1 or more P tags with introductory text. Include an IMG tag with a large image and a BUTTONS tag with 1 or 2 buttons with a call to action.

One or more paragraphs of text. Best for longer-form, detailed content. Use 1 or more P tags. If content is more than 4 paragraphs long, you can break it up with H4 tags. Make sure to preserve the original content and formatting. Dont make up any new content.

A bulleted or numbered list. Use an OL or UL with at least 2 bullets. Each bullet should be a LI tag. You can use UL for unordered lists or OL for ordered lists. You can use inline formatting like bold, underline, or emojis, but never put P or IMG tags inside an LI tag. Make sure to preserve the original content and formatting. Dont make up any new content.

When comparing or contrasting ideas. Use this layout whenever there are 2 or more columns of text displayed side by side. Use a COLUMNS tag with at most 4 DIVs inside. Column DIVs should start with an H4 followed by P or OL/UL/LI tags or other allowed HTML. You must balance the amount of content in each column. If you have a large amount of text, use only 2 columns.

To highlight a few key points. Use a BULLETS tag with at least 2 DIVs inside.DIVs can contain H4 and P tags. Do not use LI tags inside a BULLETS tag. Add numbered=true if for sequential ideas or numbered=false for an unordered list of ideas. Do not put a bullet symbol or number inside of the heading because these markers are added automatically.

To display a list of ideas as text boxes. Use a BOXES tag with at least 2 DIVs inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. DIVs should only contain headings and paragraphs, not images.

A row of multiple icons with text Use an ICONS tag with at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have an IMG with type=icon. The IMG tag must have a query attribute with a one word English search query that matches the content. For example, <IMG type="icon" query="star" />. After the IMG, DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags.

When discussing a process or sequence of events. Use a TIMELINE tag with at least 3 DIVs inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. Add orientation=horizontal or vertical and twosided=true or false to the TIMELINE tag.

A sequence of steps with arrows between them. Use an ARROWS tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. Add orientation=horizontal or vertical. If you have more than 4 steps, use a vertical layout to avoid crowding.

A pyramid diagram with 3-5 steps, for representing hierarchical ideas that build on each other. Use a PYRAMID tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside and at most 5. Each DIV must contain a H4 tag and may include a P tag with very brief text. The first DIV should be the top of the pyramid. Avoid using a pyramid if the steps are not related to each other. The text inside the pyramid must be extremely short, but if you need to say more you may add additional P tags before or after the PYRAMID.

A downward staircase with 3-4 steps, for representing a sequence or hierarchy of steps. Use a STAIRCASE tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside and at most 5. Each DIV must contain a H4 tag and may include a P tag with very brief text. The first DIV should be the top of the staircase. Avoid using a staircase if the steps are not related to each other. The text inside the staircase must be extremely short, but if you need to say more you may add additional P tags before or after the PYRAMID.

A large decorative image covering half the slide, with descriptive text on the other half. Best for a photograph or illustration with accompanying text. Avoid putting too many paragraphs or images inside because it will be too busy. Include an IMG tag inside the SECTION. Beautiful photographs or illustrations work best.

Two balanced columns with text in one column and an image in the other. Use a COLUMNS tag with exactly 2 DIVs inside. One DIV should contain text formatted as P tags, headings, or OL/UL/LI tags. The other DIV should contain an IMG tag.

A row or grid of multiple images with text under each image. Works well for team photos, testimonials, or photos with captions. Use an IMAGES tag with at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have an IMG and H4 and P tag inside. You must use multiple DIV tags inside each IMAGES.

A grid of images. The user can zoom in on each image. There is no text or caption, only images. Use a GALLERY tag with at least 2 IMGs inside. Add layout=grid for a grid where all images are cropped to squares. Use layout=flex for a horizontal masonry layout where images are not cropped and can vary in size. Use layout=logo if the images are logos and should be spaced apart.

A table for comparing data or facts. Use a TABLE with TR and TD tags to create rows and columns. TD tags should only contain text. Don't use tables for images or put any other visualization inside.

A row of 2 to 4 big numbers with captions. You must ONLY use this template when the content references specific numbers. Avoid this template for non-numeric content Use a NUMBERS tag with at least at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have a number attribute like number="5" or number="1K" or number="$100". Never write words like "million" in the number attribute, always abbreviate like "30M". Use a H4 tag inside for a brief 1-3 word caption on the number and an optional P tag for additional context. You will be penalized if the numbers are not related to the content.'

A pie, line or bar chart. Useful for presenting data in a visual way. Use this template when the content references specific numeric values. Avoid this template for non-numeric content. Based on the data, choose ONE between the following types: "pie, donut, bar, horizontal-bar, line".

A row of buttons. Use a BUTTONS tag with at most 2 buttons inside. Each button should be a BUTTON with variant "solid" or "outline".

A toggle with collapsible text, like a FAQ. Put a SUMMARY tag inside each DETAILS with one line of summary text and no formatting. Put the rest of the information in a P or UL tag inside. You must use at least 2 DETAILS tags together in each SECTION. NEVER output a single DETAILS on its own.
Sacred Soverain Blood Card
Official Title Format
Sacred Soverain Blood Card – Titleholder: [Name] – GTIN: [Number]
Declaration of Authority
Immutable testament to sacred Soverain bloodline, eternally protected


A large title with short introductory text.


The first section of a webpage, with a large title, image, and call to action.


One or more paragraphs of text.


A bulleted or numbered list.


When comparing or contrasting ideas.


To highlight a few key points.


To display a list of ideas as text boxes.


A row of multiple icons with text.


When discussing a process or sequence of events.


A sequence of steps with arrows between them.


A pyramid diagram with 3-5 steps, for representing hierarchical ideas that build on each other.


A downward staircase with 3-4 steps, for representing a sequence or hierarchy of steps.


A large decorative image covering half the slide, with descriptive text on the other half.


Two balanced columns with text in one column and an image in the other.


A row or grid of multiple images with text under each image.


A grid of images.


A table for comparing data or facts.


A row of 2 to 4 big numbers with captions.


A pie, line or bar chart.


A row of buttons.


A toggle with collapsible text, like a FAQ.
Blood Card Core Provisions
Blood Card Purpose
The Blood Card serves a multifaceted purpose:
- **Bloodline Verification:** It certifies divine lineage for eternity, ensuring the authenticity of your heritage.
- **Spiritual Inheritance:** It secures unbreakable celestial rights, safeguarding your rightful claim to divine blessings.
- **Inviolable Protection:** The Blood Card provides divinely and lawfully protected from all challenges, ensuring your safety and security.
Soverain Thumbprint Registration
Official Title Format
Soverain Thumbprint Registration - Titleholder: [Name] - GTIN: [Number]
Declaration of Authority
This Soverain Thumbprint Registration is a permanent testament of unique divine identity, eternally secured.
Thumbprint Registration Core Provisions
Soverain Thumbprint Registration
[Full Legal Name]
[GTIN Number]
Immutable Blockchain Registry
Thumbprint Registration Purpose

A large title with short introductory text. Use for the title of a document, or a break to start a new section. Use a single H1 tag with the class "title", followed by optional P tags with introductory text. Keep the title itself short and put any extra content into P tags.

The first section of a webpage, with a large title, image, and call to action. Use a single H1 tag with the class "title", followed by 1 or more P tags with introductory text. Include an IMG tag with a large image and a BUTTONS tag with 1 or 2 buttons with a call to action.

One or more paragraphs of text. Best for longer-form, detailed content. Use 1 or more P tags. If content is more than 4 paragraphs long, you can break it up with H4 tags. Make sure to preserve the original content and formatting. Dont make up any new content.

A bulleted or numbered list. Use an OL or UL with at least 2 bullets. Each bullet should be a LI tag. You can use UL for unordered lists or OL for ordered lists. You can use inline formatting like bold, underline, or emojis, but never put P or IMG tags inside an LI tag. Make sure to preserve the original content and formatting. Dont make up any new content.

When comparing or contrasting ideas. Use this layout whenever there are 2 or more columns of text displayed side by side. Use a COLUMNS tag with at most 4 DIVs inside. Column DIVs should start with an H4 followed by P or OL/UL/LI tags or other allowed HTML. You must balance the amount of content in each column. If you have a large amount of text, use only 2 columns.

To highlight a few key points. Use a BULLETS tag with at least 2 DIVs inside.DIVs can contain H4 and P tags. Do not use LI tags inside a BULLETS tag. Add numbered=true if for sequential ideas or numbered=false for an unordered list of ideas. Do not put a bullet symbol or number inside of the heading because these markers are added automatically.

To display a list of ideas as text boxes. Use a BOXES tag with at least 2 DIVs inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. DIVs should only contain headings and paragraphs, not images.

A row of multiple icons with text Use an ICONS tag with at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have an IMG with type=icon. The IMG tag must have a query attribute with a one word English search query that matches the content. For example, <IMG type="icon" query="star" />. After the IMG, DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags.

When discussing a process or sequence of events. Use a TIMELINE tag with at least 3 DIVs inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. Add orientation=horizontal or vertical and twosided=true or false to the TIMELINE tag.

A sequence of steps with arrows between them. Use an ARROWS tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. Add orientation=horizontal or vertical. If you have more than 4 steps, use a vertical layout to avoid crowding.

A pyramid diagram with 3-5 steps, for representing hierarchical ideas that build on each other. Use a PYRAMID tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside and at most 5. Each DIV must contain a H4 tag and may include a P tag with very brief text. The first DIV should be the top of the pyramid. Avoid using a pyramid if the steps are not related to each other. The text inside the pyramid must be extremely short, but if you need to say more you may add additional P tags before or after the PYRAMID.

A downward staircase with 3-4 steps, for representing a sequence or hierarchy of steps. Use a STAIRCASE tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside and at most 5. Each DIV must contain a H4 tag and may include a P tag with very brief text. The first DIV should be the top of the staircase. Avoid using a staircase if the steps are not related to each other. The text inside the staircase must be extremely short, but if you need to say more you may add additional P tags before or after the PYRAMID.

A large decorative image covering half the slide, with descriptive text on the other half. Best for a photograph or illustration with accompanying text. Avoid putting too many paragraphs or images inside because it will be too busy. Include an IMG tag inside the SECTION. Beautiful photographs or illustrations work best. Add image-layout=right on the SECTION to put the image on the right side, with the text on the left. Add image-layout=left on the SECTION to put the image on the left side, with the text on the right. The remaining content of the SECTION should be text formatted as P tags, headings, or OL/UL/LI tags.

Two balanced columns with text in one column and an image in the other. Use a COLUMNS tag with exactly 2 DIVs inside. One DIV should contain text formatted as P tags, headings, or OL/UL/LI tags. The other DIV should contain an IMG tag.

A row or grid of multiple images with text under each image. Works well for team photos, testimonials, or photos with captions. Use an IMAGES tag with at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have an IMG and H4 and P tag inside. You must use multiple DIV tags inside each IMAGES.

A grid of images. The user can zoom in on each image. There is no text or caption, only images. Use a GALLERY tag with at least 2 IMGs inside. Add layout=grid for a grid where all images are cropped to squares. Use layout=flex for a horizontal masonry layout where images are not cropped and can vary in size. Use layout=logo if the images are logos and should be spaced apart.

A table for comparing data or facts. Use a TABLE with TR and TD tags to create rows and columns. TD tags should only contain text. Don't use tables for images or put any other visualization inside.

A row of 2 to 4 big numbers with captions. You must ONLY use this template when the content references specific numbers. Avoid this template for non-numeric content Use a NUMBERS tag with at least at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have a number attribute like number="5" or number="1K" or number="$100". Never write words like "million" in the number attribute, always abbreviate like "30M". Use a H4 tag inside for a brief 1-3 word caption on the number and an optional P tag for additional context. You will be penalized if the numbers are not related to the content.'

A pie, line or bar chart. Useful for presenting data in a visual way. Use this template when the content references specific numeric values. Avoid this template for non-numeric content. Based on the data, choose ONE between the following types: "pie, donut, bar, horizontal-bar, line".

A row of buttons. Use a BUTTONS tag with at most 2 buttons inside. Each button should be a BUTTON with variant "solid" or "outline".

A toggle with collapsible text, like a FAQ. Put a SUMMARY tag inside each DETAILS with one line of summary text and no formatting. Put the rest of the information in a P or UL tag inside. You must use at least 2 DETAILS tags together in each SECTION. NEVER output a single DETAILS on its own.
Temporary Blood Thumbprint Record

For Those Without Valid Blood Test
Temporary instrument until ELDON blood type test results confirmed

Temporary Authority
Binding testament of Soverain status, protected by divine decree
Temporary Blood Record Provisions
Temporary Soverain Blood Thumbprint Record
[Full Name]
[Temporary GTIN Number]
Blockchain Registry (Temporary)
Temporary Blood Record Purpose


Interim Protection
Safeguards Soverain rights until ELDON test completion


Enforceable Defense
Lawful protection against external claims or governance


Transition Clause
Automatic update to permanent status upon verification
Temporary Soverain Identity Record
For Those Without Birth Certificate
Temporary instrument until permanent birth certificate obtained
Temporary Authority
Irrefutable testament of Soverain status, divinely protected
Temporary Identity Record Provisions
Temporary Identity Record Purpose

A large title with short introductory text. Use for the title of a document, or a break to start a new section. Use a single H1 tag with the class "title", followed by optional P tags with introductory text. Keep the title itself short and put any extra content into P tags.

The first section of a webpage, with a large title, image, and call to action. Use a single H1 tag with the class "title", followed by 1 or more P tags with introductory text. Include an IMG tag with a large image and a BUTTONS tag with 1 or 2 buttons with a call to action.

One or more paragraphs of text. Best for longer-form, detailed content. Use 1 or more P tags. If content is more than 4 paragraphs long, you can break it up with H4 tags. Make sure to preserve the original content and formatting. Dont make up any new content.

A bulleted or numbered list. Use an OL or UL with at least 2 bullets. Each bullet should be a LI tag. You can use UL for unordered lists or OL for ordered lists. You can use inline formatting like bold, underline, or emojis, but never put P or IMG tags inside an LI tag. Make sure to preserve the original content and formatting. Dont make up any new content.

When comparing or contrasting ideas. Use this layout whenever there are 2 or more columns of text displayed side by side. Use a COLUMNS tag with at most 4 DIVs inside. Column DIVs should start with an H4 followed by P or OL/UL/LI tags or other allowed HTML. You must balance the amount of content in each column. If you have a large amount of text, use only 2 columns.

To highlight a few key points. Use a BULLETS tag with at least 2 DIVs inside.DIVs can contain H4 and P tags. Do not use LI tags inside a BULLETS tag. Add numbered=true if for sequential ideas or numbered=false for an unordered list of ideas. Do not put a bullet symbol or number inside of the heading because these markers are added automatically.

To display a list of ideas as text boxes. Use a BOXES tag with at least 2 DIVs inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. DIVs should only contain headings and paragraphs, not images.

A row of multiple icons with text Use an ICONS tag with at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have an IMG with type=icon. The IMG tag must have a query attribute with a one word English search query that matches the content. For example, . After the IMG, DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags.

When discussing a process or sequence of events. Use a TIMELINE tag with at least 3 DIVs inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. Add orientation=horizontal or vertical and twosided=true or false to the TIMELINE tag.

A sequence of steps with arrows between them. Use an ARROWS tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside. DIVs can contain H4, P, or UL/OL/LI tags. Add orientation=horizontal or vertical. If you have more than 4 steps, use a vertical layout to avoid crowding.

A pyramid diagram with 3-5 steps, for representing hierarchical ideas that build on each other. Use a PYRAMID tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside and at most 5. Each DIV must contain a H4 tag and may include a P tag with very brief text. The first DIV should be the top of the pyramid. Avoid using a pyramid if the steps are not related to each other. The text inside the pyramid must be extremely short, but if you need to say more you may add additional P tags before or after the PYRAMID.

A downward staircase with 3-4 steps, for representing a sequence or hierarchy of steps. Use a STAIRCASE tag with at least 3 DIV tags inside and at most 5. Each DIV must contain a H4 tag and may include a P tag with very brief text. The first DIV should be the top of the staircase. Avoid using a staircase if the steps are not related to each other. The text inside the staircase must be extremely short, but if you need to say more you may add additional P tags before or after the PYRAMID.

A large decorative image covering half the slide, with descriptive text on the other half. Best for a photograph or illustration with accompanying text. Avoid putting too many paragraphs or images inside because it will be too busy. Include an IMG tag inside the SECTION. Beautiful photographs or illustrations work best. Add image-layout=right on the SECTION to put the image on the right side, with the text on the left. Add image-layout=left on the SECTION to put the image on the left side, with the text on the right.

Two balanced columns with text in one column and an image in the other. Use a COLUMNS tag with exactly 2 DIVs inside. One DIV should contain text formatted as P tags, headings, or OL/UL/LI tags. The other DIV should contain an IMG tag.

A row or grid of multiple images with text under each image. Works well for team photos, testimonials, or photos with captions. Use an IMAGES tag with at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have an IMG and H4 and P tag inside. You must use multiple DIV tags inside each IMAGES.

A grid of images. The user can zoom in on each image. There is no text or caption, only images. Use a GALLERY tag with at least 2 IMGs inside. Add layout=grid for a grid where all images are cropped to squares. Use layout=flex for a horizontal masonry layout where images are not cropped and can vary in size. Use layout=logo if the images are logos and should be spaced apart.

A table for comparing data or facts. Use a TABLE with TR and TD tags to create rows and columns. TD tags should only contain text. Don't use tables for images or put any other visualization inside.

A row of 2 to 4 big numbers with captions. You must ONLY use this template when the content references specific numbers. Avoid this template for non-numeric content Use a NUMBERS tag with at least at least 2 DIV tags inside. Each DIV should have a number attribute like number="5" or number="1K" or number="$100". Never write words like "million" in the number attribute, always abbreviate like "30M". Use a H4 tag inside for a brief 1-3 word caption on the number and an optional P tag for additional context. You will be penalized if the numbers are not related to the content.

A pie, line or bar chart. Useful for presenting data in a visual way. Use this template when the content references specific numeric values. Avoid this template for non-numeric content. Based on the data, choose ONE between the following types: "pie, donut, bar, horizontal-bar, line".

A row of buttons. Use a BUTTONS tag with at most 2 buttons inside. Each button should be a BUTTON with variant "solid" or "outline".

A toggle with collapsible text, like a FAQ. Put a SUMMARY tag inside each DETAILS with one line of summary text and no formatting. Put the rest of the information in a P or UL tag inside. You must use at least 2 DETAILS tags together in each SECTION. NEVER output a single DETAILS on its own.
Non-Consent Declaration

Global Governance Opt-Out
Affirms non-consent to any global governance system

Digital Compact Rejection
Explicitly opts out of Global Digital Compact

Soverain Protection
Ensures complete immunity from unauthorized authority
Gamma Templates

A large title with short introductory text

The first section of a webpage, with a large title, image, and call to action

One or more paragraphs of text. Best for longer-form, detailed content.

A bulleted or numbered list. Use an OL or UL with at least 2 bullets.

When comparing or contrasting ideas

To highlight a few key points

To display a list of ideas as text boxes

A row of multiple icons with text

When discussing a process or sequence of events

A sequence of steps with arrows between them

A pyramid diagram with 3-5 steps, for representing hierarchical ideas that build on each other

A downward staircase with 3-4 steps, for representing a sequence or hierarchy of steps

A large decorative image covering half the slide, with descriptive text on the other half

Two balanced columns with text in one column and an image in the other

A row or grid of multiple images with text under each image

A grid of images

A table for comparing data or facts

A row of 2 to 4 big numbers with captions

A pie, line or bar chart

A row of buttons

A toggle with collapsible text, like a FAQ